I was going to post a comment on the toxic Steve Schmidt Substack contesting his lying claim that Trump and Republicans are a threat to democracy for opposing mail in ballots. I searched for what I think I know about other OECD countries and how almost none of them allow mass mail in ballots. The few that do support mail in ballots are for expats and those voters have to prove their identity. No other country that I can find supports mass mail in balloting as an alternative to in person voting.

However the lying "fact checking" sites that are clearly infiltrated by the lying Democrat cabal use an intellectually dishonest trick to claim that other countries DO ALLOW mail in ballots... again for expats that have to prove their identity and request the ballot in advance of the election. But they don't qualify that difference... they just say that Republicans are liars for claiming that these other OECD countries do not allow mail in ballots.

These other countries do not allow MASS MAIL IN BALLOTS... the US has always supported expats including the military to request a ballot by mail. That should continue. But the Democrats are lying, cheating, immoral pieces of animal dung claiming other countries allow mass mail in ballots.

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Erick, you simply cannot blame the media for focusing on pets in Springfield when President Trump is the one who championed the topic during the highest profile opportunity he has had and Sen. Vance continues to advance it in one media interview after another.

It would’ve been very easy for Mr. Trump to make the points you outlined about illegal immigration during the debate. Instead, he chose to talk about the pets.

That’s why we cannot have nice things (or elect Republican officials).

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Illegals in this country are not a problem unless they live in my gated neighborhood or live in my basement or go to my stores or take my job etc. etc.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Everyone in America should watch this interview before voting.


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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

This isn't my original thought, but someone I watched said, 'Forget the rape/murder of American women and children, the sex trafficking, the rape of women and children on the trek to America, the 300,000+ minors DHS has lost.

It takes pets to get the media's attention/outrage about illegal immigration?'

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Excellent post that finally gets to what the Springfield story is really about, which is being played out in communities across the United States - even a new video of an immigrant killing a pigeon on a public street in Boston.

What irks me is twofold: First, how the media takes the word of one self-serving city manager (and one self-serving governor) without doing their investigation. That's how the media USED to operate. Secondly, I am sick of media and Democrats taking what JD Vance said on CNN out of context concerning "creating stories" about Springfield. Here's what he actually said, in context, courtesy of Fox News (the interview was on CNN):

"The evidence is the firsthand account of my constituents who are telling me that this happened and, by the way, I‘ve been trying to talk about the problems in Springfield for months and the American media ignored it. There was a congressional hearing just last week of Angel Moms who lost children because Kamala Harris let criminal migrants into this country who then murdered their children. The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I start talking about cat memes. If I have to, I mean, create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do, Dana, because you guys are completely letting Kamala Harris coast," Vance said.

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Springfield, OH is a microcosm of America. How many immigrants and illegal aliens can we absorb into our society and still be America?

Love thy neighbor, help thy neighbor, however, he that has two coats, give one away, he that has food, share it

Yon can't help someone else if you can't help yourself, you can't hurt yourself to help someone else.

The fact is no one from another country has a "right" to come and be here.

We no longer have two political parties that have different avenues for upholding the Constitution and furthering American exceptionalism. The Democrats have abundant that.

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"How many immigrants and illegal aliens can we absorb into our society and still be America?"

Can't you just see a Native American saying that 500 years ago?

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Europeans were not assimilating into the Indian culture.

But a good point, if we do not control who comes and how many, and reject assimilation in favor of the salad bowl we will be diluted and over time unrecognizable as the America founded.

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We might still be America, but we are NO LONGER the United States of America. We do NOT have unity in this Nation. Some States are so much against other States today. I have seen the change in my life time, where I have been able to see this happen. It is the WEALTH against the rest of us in this Nation today and they want the world to be that way.

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The LORD looks out for fools (Ps. 116:6), so despite Trump's ranting about people eating kitties and puppies, it has pushed legitimate concerns about immigration back to the top of the charts.

(I want to cue up my Casey Kasem voice here...insert joke about a dog dying--IYKYK).

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Erick, the only reason your buddy Chip Roy is introducing his SAVE Act at this time is as a political stunt. It is an attempt to push Democrats into a "When did you stop beating your wife?" corner. If Dems vote for the act, Republicans will say it is because they agree that illegal immigrants are indeed voting (which they will spin as "affecting election outcomes"). If Dems vote against the act, Republicans will say that it is because Dems want illegals to be able to vote. I know that you are a political strategist, and that this might be a good political strategy, but at least be willing to admit that political gotcha is its main purpose. The unfortunate part of you and others playing this game is that it gives election deniers one more reason to justify January 6, without which any logical (and patriotic) reason for supporting Trump is destroyed.

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When all the TDS and WTP shouting and 'fact-checking' is done, there remains an 'existential' (real) threat to our republic; viz., a compromised voting process. Focus! (i know...it's not THAT simple, but it's pretty close to a (the) 'root cause,' imho. )

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The push to allow non-citizens to vote seems relentless which helps explain the opposition to voter I.D. and the push for more absentee voting which is ripe for fraud and abuse. The latter needs to be significantly curtailed and restricted.

While the percentage of illegals voting may not have swayed past outcomes, obviously the trajectory for such voting is increasing over several election cycles. Many local and state elections are decided by just a handful of votes so the potential for undermining electoral integrity is real and must be prevented.

What is happening in the Ohio towns is likely repeated in towns and cities across the nation. These illegal aliens have nothing to lose when they create vehicular accidents and harm others.

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It is also happening in at least 3 and possibly as many as six counties here in Alabama, where the Haitian immigrants have been deposited to take low-skill, low pay jobs. And of course there is the same impact as in Ohio and elsewhere: more people who can't pay using the healthcare system, more non-English speaking kids in the schools, more strain on limited social service funds, and more competition for scarce housing that only serves to drive supply down and cost up. And that's before you get to the cultural impacts (disregarding driving laws, throwing trash in the sewers etc).

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Don’t know what else to say so I’ll say it again. The main stream media companies need to be torn down and rebuilt. Apparently ratings aren’t bad enough. Stop watching! And fire Bob Iger!

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Indeed. Our MSM needs to be rebuilt so that it always supports Trump. ;)

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Actually it should be rebuilt in a manner that will not support any one individual.

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It already is if you consume more than just one network. It is important to read and watch several sources, as then you can compare how each spins the stories.

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yes, in this world where so many are too lazy to even Google anything, I'm sure they're all going to be checking out a variety of biased news sources, the vast majority of which don't tell them what they want to hear.

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how do I forward ?

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“ Democrat lies are accepted as truth. Republicans are presumed to be lying even when they tell the truth. “

If this doesn’t change, and quickly, the nation envisioned by our founders is indeed in great peril.

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Maybe Republicans should quit lying so much. The party pre-Trump took this approach.

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I do believe there is far too much lying on both sides. The problem is only one side is taken to task when they do so.

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In other news frogs everywhere are stunned and amazed to learn scorpions sting.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

I do not think Jim 'let them get away with it'. I think Jim's purpose was to have them come on and say it. He didn't allow the lie. He invited them on, so that they could tell the lie.

propaganda /prŏp″ə-găn′də/


The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.

Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause.

"wartime propaganda."

A congregation of cardinals, established in 1622, charged with the management of missions.

If the show fits CNN...

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