Is the news paper standing on the 1st amendment and refusing?
Maybe the legislature should look at possible impeachment of the judge.
It frankly doesn't matter what the criticism is, this does not appear to be libel, it is beyond the pale for a judge to order a newspaper to take it down.
What is happening in this Mississippi community may be wrong, but taking a look at today's headlines, this is what you think we should be outraged about?
Many on the right have maintained that we cannot afford to continue supporting Ukraine as it tries to fend off a Russian invasion, and there could be merit in that. They have also pointed to deficiencies in Ukraine's government and leadership that might well exist. However, to blame Ukraine for its war with Vladimir Putin's Russia is shameful. It is despicable. IT IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE, the end result of which will not only be the loss of press freedom for the Ukrainian people, but the loss of ALL freedom.
As we turn our backs on those poor people - whom we convinced to give up their nuclear weapons when the former Soviet Union broke up by promising that we would stand with them - the least that we could do is condemn the aggression that they have suffered. We could at least acknowledge that they are the victims here: that having already suffered the loss of Crimea without even making any attempt to get it back, this war is not their fault. Instead, this country . . . OUR country, is actually taking the side of the aggressor. And you're calling our "urgent" attention to a county court order that stands about a 110 percent chance of simply being reversed on appeal?
When this same Russia was trying to force West Berlin into submission, we could take pride in John F. Kennedy declaring that he was a Berliner. We could take pride in Ronald Reagan telling this same Russia to tear down the Berlin wall. Here, however, it's bad enough that we no longer stand with those fighting against Russia for their freedom. For Trump to blame the Ukrainians for having been invaded is to actually put us on the side of Russian aggression! We can take no pride in that.
Ronald Reagan would be ashamed, as would Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and every other President who stood up to Russian aggression. We should all be ashamed. And for you to be DISTRACTING PEOPLE with this utterly trivial nonsense while our country disgraces itself . . . .
On the bright side gang of thugs didn't destroy the paper's printing presses, burn the papers and beat everyone with clubs and have them arrested. Maybe that was plan B.
The “impartial” judicial system definitely needs to be included along with DA’s as areas of intensive overwatch. As former LE I’m glad this was brought to a larger audience as while LE definitely needs monetary help we are vary tired of being used to extort money from well meaning taxpayers as we rarely get more than a portion of it! Local & county govts siphon off it off for pet projects and even those more LE related rarely benefit the core mission of more officers, better training and equipment. Criminals are now better armed, trained and organized. With the technology changing daily the need for better tech to accomplish the mission and the training to use it properly is also growing. Local politicians and officials need to be transparent and and we need to be watching.
Here's a link, the judge put in place a temporary restraining order to remove the editorial pending a hearing February 27. City claims the meeting was streaming and available to public, consequently claiming libel and malice by the paper.
The paper should just ignore the court. The court’s order is unconstitutional on its face. Erick, and others, shedding light on the court’s overstepping will have them backtracking soon.
Is the news paper standing on the 1st amendment and refusing?
Maybe the legislature should look at possible impeachment of the judge.
It frankly doesn't matter what the criticism is, this does not appear to be libel, it is beyond the pale for a judge to order a newspaper to take it down.
This editorial made it on “Twitchy”.
This is confusing: How can a Hinds County Chancery court order a newspaper in a different county (Coahoma county) to remove an editorial?
A corrupt judge in Mississippi does not qualify as a qualified slap down of Vance criticizing the entire EU. It is cognitive dissonance.
What possible rationale could a court use to stop a newspaper from printing an editorial? That is bizarre.
What is happening in this Mississippi community may be wrong, but taking a look at today's headlines, this is what you think we should be outraged about?
Many on the right have maintained that we cannot afford to continue supporting Ukraine as it tries to fend off a Russian invasion, and there could be merit in that. They have also pointed to deficiencies in Ukraine's government and leadership that might well exist. However, to blame Ukraine for its war with Vladimir Putin's Russia is shameful. It is despicable. IT IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE, the end result of which will not only be the loss of press freedom for the Ukrainian people, but the loss of ALL freedom.
As we turn our backs on those poor people - whom we convinced to give up their nuclear weapons when the former Soviet Union broke up by promising that we would stand with them - the least that we could do is condemn the aggression that they have suffered. We could at least acknowledge that they are the victims here: that having already suffered the loss of Crimea without even making any attempt to get it back, this war is not their fault. Instead, this country . . . OUR country, is actually taking the side of the aggressor. And you're calling our "urgent" attention to a county court order that stands about a 110 percent chance of simply being reversed on appeal?
When this same Russia was trying to force West Berlin into submission, we could take pride in John F. Kennedy declaring that he was a Berliner. We could take pride in Ronald Reagan telling this same Russia to tear down the Berlin wall. Here, however, it's bad enough that we no longer stand with those fighting against Russia for their freedom. For Trump to blame the Ukrainians for having been invaded is to actually put us on the side of Russian aggression! We can take no pride in that.
Ronald Reagan would be ashamed, as would Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and every other President who stood up to Russian aggression. We should all be ashamed. And for you to be DISTRACTING PEOPLE with this utterly trivial nonsense while our country disgraces itself . . . .
Erick, what is happening to you?
This is a head scratcher for sure.
Sunshine is the best disinfectant for everyone especially government and the press
Shame, shame, shame.
On the bright side gang of thugs didn't destroy the paper's printing presses, burn the papers and beat everyone with clubs and have them arrested. Maybe that was plan B.
The “impartial” judicial system definitely needs to be included along with DA’s as areas of intensive overwatch. As former LE I’m glad this was brought to a larger audience as while LE definitely needs monetary help we are vary tired of being used to extort money from well meaning taxpayers as we rarely get more than a portion of it! Local & county govts siphon off it off for pet projects and even those more LE related rarely benefit the core mission of more officers, better training and equipment. Criminals are now better armed, trained and organized. With the technology changing daily the need for better tech to accomplish the mission and the training to use it properly is also growing. Local politicians and officials need to be transparent and and we need to be watching.
Son of a beehive...
way to go for exposing this Erick.
Qui Custodit Tutores. And it still amazes me that in this day and age, people think getting elected puts you above the law.
I don’t know the Latin phrase but Who Guards The Guardians?
A free press, that is who.
Streisand Effect has entered the chat.
Here's a link, the judge put in place a temporary restraining order to remove the editorial pending a hearing February 27. City claims the meeting was streaming and available to public, consequently claiming libel and malice by the paper.
Judge looks to be over reaching. Can judges be removed in Mississippi ?
The paper should just ignore the court. The court’s order is unconstitutional on its face. Erick, and others, shedding light on the court’s overstepping will have them backtracking soon.