Well said. And it is my experience that growing number of disheartened Republicans share your view. It's time for the petty bullshit to be over and someone to stand up and govern.

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So finding out if the top positions in our government has been compromised is not a worth while pursuit? I suggest we begin calling this investigation “The big guy” investigation. The laptop is simply evidence.

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You sound exactly like Democrats after 2016. Literally exactly the same. Verbatim

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Maybe. But the difference is that the Trump dossier was a fake that has been proven so. The laptop and emails have been verified as real. They are a real smoking gun. If the President truly is compromised, don’t you think we need to know how much and how hung out our nation is.

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If a laptop had anything on it that was a smoking gun, we would know about it. To hold your position you have to believe the FBI is so fundamentally corrupt that they are willing to ignore incontrovertible evidence that the president is compromised.

That is exactly why this is the same as Russian collusion, there is no smoking gun. I will grant you that the laptop is real and the steel dossier was crap, but there is no smoking gun.

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I get your point but you are missing the big picture. Joe Biden is the “Big Guy”. He, his brother and his son are corrupt as hell. Hunter made millions on his fathers name. I don’t care if he is drug addicted or a sex addict. The million he received for selling out his country needs to be disclosed. The tax issues alone warrant jail time. Joe Biden should be impeached and sent back to his Delaware basement.

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You took a paragraph right from the Democrat script in 2016. They said all the same things

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Hi Erick,

Please add into your comment line whether it is important to know whether or not our president is compromised with the Chinese and others. I understand the focus should not be the drug addicted porn star of a son. But I believe we know that something is strange in the responses to China, Ukraine, and even Russia, just doesn't make sense without a clear link to those countries that are not favorable to the USA. I really do not want to see any more Hunter Biden pictures with prostitutes. I really do want to know if our president is bribed. Personally, I would legislate that no member of Congress or Executive branch is allowed to more than double their net worth while in office. That would make it more likely folks doing service then would be doing service. If they want to make more money, well, don't enter government service. It sickens me to think that we have a president who really doesn't care about the US. Pretending to be concerned about the environment is a smoke screen for something else that is going on. If what I think is happening is, the impeachment is too good for him. If I am wrong, then I want to know so I can revise my suspicions. Please do comment on this angle. Thanks Charles

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Oh wow, another Republican parroting exactly what Democrats said about Trump in 2016

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Just curious, what were YOU saying in 2016?

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I was saying the collusion story is a total load of crap but that Trump is a complete and utter douchebag. I didn't vote for him in the primary and I didn't vote for him in the general because it was obvious to anyone paying attention that he was only in this for himself. He only cared about himself.

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I adore the laugh at the possibility of intelligence in our elected officials. I giggled, too.

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We want to know did the Biden family including the President sell access to foreign goverment and individuals and trying to cover it up. Is the president in the pocket of the CCP are there members of his administration that are actively involved with the CCP along with our CIA and FBI those are things we want to know and bring out into the open

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Where are the Republicans who have the sense to see what you have said is true?

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Spiro Agnew (Nixon’s VP) quickly resigned when reports came out about his corruption as Governor. I guess with Democrats it is a resume enhancer.

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I'm just tired of everyone investigating everyone and each party trying to impeach officials in the other. Why is everything such a shit show all the way around anymore. Is no one rational?

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The GOP should turn the investigation over to the Southern Border Patrol. A bottom up investigation so to speak. It would be very interesting. Since they Deal with piss poor Democratic Decisions 24/7 .

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The laptop is the story right now only because Taibibi opted to deal with that first. There are more drops coming. Also, there is much more to the laptop story than Hunter’s drug addiction, about which most of us couldn’t care less about. For me the laptop is about Biden and his family peddling influence around the globe. That was effectively censored and that needs to be investigated because Biden himself is corrupt.

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I'm in full agreement that H B laptop should not be the primary focus. That ship has sailed. I'm very interested in what it may reveal? Should have been revealed from the beginning! Mr. President stomp it out.. . Myself and others are the victim of government censorship! Hiding what they know to sway the vote!! Pardon my language... F Biden!

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Being principled can be hard sometimes.

You are right, let's see the GOP's agenda for what it is, revenge politics. They would happily have a show impeachment of Biden to get back at the Democrats for Trump.

However, being a Democrat means never having to admit you're are hypocrite. The MSM will play this investigation up and the impeachment as a sham (never mind Donald Trump Jr. and Wikileaks, and the Democrat's two sham impeachments of Trump).

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Yes, the admin at the time had Trump at the top but do not discount that virtually all of the high bureaucracy in that admin had been working to oppose him at every opportunity.

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I think I one of the few that agree with you on this Erick! You have to know what the destination is before you plot your course! If the GOP just wants revenge, it will backfire cuz too many voters are indoctrinated leftist and won't believe their evidence! They will believe whatever their masters tell them in the media! But going after corruption will show those leftist voters that their masters are corrupt and hypocrites, show the voters the liars and cheats they are and the GOP comes out looking like the Avengers!!!!

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Revenge politics...since the Republicans feel they are the adult in the room, they shouldn't seek revenge? Yep, it does seem petty to want revenge, but politics is certainly petty.

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