Follow the science? The science of reproduction also applies to humans, does it not? XX/XY still means something for all mammals--except humans? I suppose these people use purple at their gender reveal parties?

I hope you sent that Kindergarten Cop link to the person-who-identifies-as-a-reporters.

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“There is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.”

Except that there is. And the consensus among the majority of the world population is that you determine gender by looking at the body parts.

........oops, I forgot we’re not supposed to say facts out loud.

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But by definition a consensus means agreement and many disagree, don't they?

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"Many" disagree. Apparently, just that so-called "reporter" and you.

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Wow! CNN delves into biological science...and fails.

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Please help me understand if the statement, “There is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.” is not fact, what the consensus is within America today. And please take this as a serious attempt to bridge the difference between two opposing views and not to be slammed.

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It’s official now, “disorder”

Is the The Cause we sadly own.

Yes, deception’s what we build on…

Our postmodern Cornerstone.

Better batten down the hatches,

Better hide your children, friend.

We’re surrounded now by darkness,

Truth’s whatever we pretend.

Proudly building Babble-Towers

On these waves of sinking sand.

CNN has come to save us…

Welcome to No BorderLand!

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More remarkable than this is that there are millions of people who watch CNN and believe this kind of crap. You see them all the time. They brag through their masks about getting their second shot several weeks ago as you meet them on the pathway while you are walking maskless. You ask them, properly distanced of course, why they are still wearing a mask. "I was watching CNN," they lecture, "and the news person said we should continue to wear masks until everyone is vaccinated."

When you let CNN tell you how to live your life you are in a heap of trouble.

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Boss lady and I took our kids to the Georgia Aquarium a couple weeks ago. There was a very nice display there about how to identify male vs female penguins.

Why is it scientifically and socially acceptable to assign a sex to animals? Do not the penguins have a say? Have they chosen their preferred pronouns?

It is not hard to imagine a particular faction getting upset by this. Penguins have rights, too, you know.

Of course this points to the ridiculousness of fluid gender and the uniqueness of a screwed up (dare I say “fallen”?) human psyche. As far as I can tell, no other animals have poets, priests, pontificators, or purveyors of perversity among their ranks. (Further alliteration would puncture propriety’s partition). :p

At least Christians admit we humans are screwed up.

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"Trust the science?" Which science? The science that told us not to wear masks? The science that said Pluto was a planet (until a different group of scientists said it wasn't? ) Science that said rhe sun revolved around the earth until Galileo proved it didnt? The science that believed in blood-letting? The science that has always said a human witn xx chromosomes is a female and xy chromosomes is a male?

The level of stupidity and disingenuousness is just stunning.

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Lawlessness going on these days is crazy. It starts with driving: either dirt bikes clogging up intersections or drivers simply running red lights because...just because? Get away with this stuff and bigger crimes happen. The media doesn't report what's really happening and the cycle continues

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The ultimate truth? "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son; that whosever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life."

If typing that makes me a racist white supremacist Christian zealot, I'm proud to be called that.

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Wow. If there's "no criteria for assigning gender at birth" THEN how, I wonder sarcastically, are they assigning gender for their "gender reveal parties"? AND in the old days, before tests, sonograms etc. a doctor or midwife, sometimes just the dad who assisted with birthing babies, would look at the new-born and DETERMINE the gender. And it wasn't by asking the newborn either. I love that line in Kindergarten Cop that follows the child giving THE CRITERIA FOR GENDER DESIGNATION. Arnold says, "Thanks for the tip."

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That's the point. For the Woke-o-Harem crowd, how DARE the parent decide what gender a baby is. Iy should be allowed to grow up some and make that decision for itself.

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Some things we just can't decide ourselves. Gravity comes to mind. And poop.

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and everybody poops.

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This is getting ridiculous.

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I am struck by the utter hypocrisy of the statement "trust the science." Science constantly evolves as we discover new facts that change our previous hypotheses. This makes science just as much a religion of faith as Christianity. How do grown adults not see this??

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I'm afraid to click on the link....

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If you're a liberal, be sure to duct tape your head to prevent explosion.

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click click click

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Even the little kid in the clip

Knows the truth. And Arnold didn’t dispute it so I honestly believe nobody buys in to this transgender, whatever gender charade. We need to hold our air headed politician's feet to the flame this issue and we need to call this out whenever we hear it. Be like Crazy Maxine - get in peoples faces.

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