Erick - I am so sorry for the attacks you are receiving, and have received, from brothers and sisters in Christ. You have the mighty armor of God around you for protection and comfort. I believe that President Trump has a right to question and investigate possible voter fraud, but like you, I don't think it will make a difference. It …
Erick - I am so sorry for the attacks you are receiving, and have received, from brothers and sisters in Christ. You have the mighty armor of God around you for protection and comfort. I believe that President Trump has a right to question and investigate possible voter fraud, but like you, I don't think it will make a difference. It is time for the Body of Christ in America to humbly repent for their idolatry, to seek forgiveness and restoration, a ask God to show us how we might help heal this land. There is a lot broken relationships in our nation right now - racial, gender, political, just to name a few - and God can and will use the Church to heal this land. I continue to pray for you, brother. God's blessings abound.
Erick - I am so sorry for the attacks you are receiving, and have received, from brothers and sisters in Christ. You have the mighty armor of God around you for protection and comfort. I believe that President Trump has a right to question and investigate possible voter fraud, but like you, I don't think it will make a difference. It is time for the Body of Christ in America to humbly repent for their idolatry, to seek forgiveness and restoration, a ask God to show us how we might help heal this land. There is a lot broken relationships in our nation right now - racial, gender, political, just to name a few - and God can and will use the Church to heal this land. I continue to pray for you, brother. God's blessings abound.