If I may quote David French quoting Ryan Burge of Eastern Illinois University:

"The answer is simply that this group of voters are Republicans first, white people second, and evangelicals third. As I’ve written elsewhere, it’s simply not true to think of white evangelicals as an uneasy type of Republican—one that’s not sold on the GOP’s economic policy but votes with them because of gay marriage and abortion. The reality is this: the overwhelming majority of white evangelicals are Republicans, through and through."

The entire essay is worth reading. https://frenchpress.thedispatch.com/p/the-cultural-consequences-of-very

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I’m sorry you have had such a bad response. Please keep report truth and follow Jesus.

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Thank you for telling the truth. Please continue to do so. I tend to rely on it.

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Erick, I don't think the problem is with the machines, I think it's how easy it was for anyone to vote this time. And I'm not alleging that people who weren't registered, voted. I mean the accessibility and hand-holding was ridiculous. I got numerous text messages offering me information about how to vote. If you're too stupid to understand how to vote, you should not be voting. I think that's what happened. Without all the mail-in and absentee ballots flying around, as well as the alleged "non-partisan" groups coddling morons to get them to vote (and we know which party those people will always vote for), I don't think Trump would have lost.

I hate to hear about people saying such terrible things to you. The blind allegiance so many people have to Donald Trump is very disturbing. I'm an Erickson fan and I have been for years, but I have always appreciated your ability to share good and not so good information about Trump and Republicans. I think you're doing a fantastic job.

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Erick, please keep telling the truth. As a clergy, like you constantly state, too many so called Christians are not really Christians and follow the GOD of their minds, created for their comfort. Nobody know how GOD's plan is really going to work, ask the Jew of Nazi Germany and Dietrich Bonhoeffer about GOd's will. I have seen Biden and Obama supporters do the same thing as you also say, politics is their religion. They say the same thing, God hates Trump and his supporters so remember, trying to please everybody pleases no one. As you continue your theological studies, remember your obligation is to the truth, salvation and the message of the cross.

Blessing brutha!!!

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@Erick......attacks against you are not fair. One issue in my opinion is that you were a never Trumper in 2016. It is difficult to overcome that. Plus you previously wrote here, post election 2020, that the Republicans retained control in the Senate. That is not the case. Folks remember what you wrote and have long memories.

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Thank you Erick for the truth! Biden is not my choice, but I am not yelling or screaming. God is in control and we will all be ok. Praying for your wife. God bless you!

Phyllis Blanton

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There are probably a lot more of us out there that think like you do but don’t respond in a positive manner to your posts! Keep up the good work! God bless!

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Erick, human beings who write emails wishing ill on their fellows are, to say the least, not demonstrating their faith. I'll reference James 3:17-18: "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness." I think we can definitely say that those ill wishes are not wisdom from heaven. But you can see we haven't changed much because even James had to scold his congregation on the evils of the tongue.

If I had to offer an opinion, I'd think the ugly wishes were arrows aimed at weakening you so that you will stop seeking and telling the Truth. For that reason, I'd advise taking hits as high praise and encouragement that you're being effective in the battle with someone who hates the Truth. I've been with you a long time and don't plan on leaving as long as you're seeking Truth, no matter how uncomfortable it makes me. God is in control and you are in our prayers.

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Woodrow Wilson?

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Erick - I am so sorry for the attacks you are receiving, and have received, from brothers and sisters in Christ. You have the mighty armor of God around you for protection and comfort. I believe that President Trump has a right to question and investigate possible voter fraud, but like you, I don't think it will make a difference. It is time for the Body of Christ in America to humbly repent for their idolatry, to seek forgiveness and restoration, a ask God to show us how we might help heal this land. There is a lot broken relationships in our nation right now - racial, gender, political, just to name a few - and God can and will use the Church to heal this land. I continue to pray for you, brother. God's blessings abound.

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Erick, I am ashamed for those "Christians" who want to berate you for what you are offering as your political opinion and analysis. If they are like me, we are just so tired of the democrats winning and winning be any means. I do trust God and I KNOW He has a plan and that I just need to sit down and shut up, but it doesn't keep me from being disappointed. If you have ever been a Cleveland Browns fan you would understand

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Once the hand count in GA is done and votes are certified, we move forward with securing the Senate. But it isn't irrational to want to ensure our voting system is reliable or proper oversight is maintained. It would be foolish to ignore a flawed system and expect different results. The stakes are extremely high; let's just make sure everyone plays fairly.

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I think weariness is okay. Our response to the weariness should be to rest in Jesus. "Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

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Well said, Eric!

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I also am sorry some so called Christians want to burn you at the stake. I am a Trump supporter, and no matter where anyone's political leanings lie, please step back and let the process play out. Our founding fathers were very wise and anticipated this kind of stuff. At this point neither Biden or Trump can call themselves the president elect. When the electors meet, they will vote in who is truly the president elect. After that, a president will be given the oath of office. jan. 20, 2021. If the worst happens (in my view) and Biden is installed, republicans hold the senate and picked up house seats. The Trump tax cuts have been passed by the congress and signed by the president. Any future president cannot issue an executive order dissolving that law. No branch of government is superior to the other. I know both sides have used the Supreme Court in that role, because legislators want to have someone else take the blame for things the legislators do not want to answer to their constituents for. Even after a Supreme Court ruling, it is not the final say. Legislators can pass a constitutionally valid bill settling the matter. Even then, it is not settled for all time. The Trump tax cuts are helping our economy recover from the pandemic and No legislator in their right mind would vote to dissolve them. I think that is just one of the fears of a Biden presidency. We will survive. So please, EVERYONE take a chill pill.

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