I hope her career is ruined forever .

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In these times killing a dog is really bad, now if she had done a baby, well that may have been ok! I would never brag about doing that! I grew up on a farm and if a dog starts killing chicken(a food source) well, you got rid of it! But I’ll say, if people around knew it was a chicken killer or an egg eater, well they would really be pissed at you! I really think that people have gotten to pet crazy the last 20 years! I hope they know that if they were to fall and break a hip/ get immobilized with no way to get help, that sweet lovable pet will use you for food!

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Erick, you are completely wasting time. What Kool-Aid did you drink yesterday?

I grew up in Midwest farm country. Dogs were immediately shot whenever they bit a child, killed chickens etc.

Good riddance...and this is important 20 years later?


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Mark (and Roy Herren), you are completely right. I grew up on a farm in a Plains state, and my dad had to put down a dog that showed that it would bite kids. Same thing when a dog starts killing chickens or worse - once a dog shows that tendancy and especially after it acquires that taste, in most cases it can't be trained out of them. People who work regularly with animals (cattle, dogs, horses, etc.) know that each has its own temperament - call it "personality." Training helps, but it can't completely overcome an animal whose temperament leads it to do those things. Also, Kristi Noem said tonight on Hannity that this was the dog's second chance - a previous family had similar problems with it.

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My other comment is that this doesn't matter. If Trump wins and we lose the house, or fail to gain a real majority, it won't matter who the VP is at all.

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My first reaction was, why even tell this story? My next reaction after hearing all of the angst about it is, now if she had decided to abort a human child, the left would have nothing to complain about. Growing up on a farm, we NEVER put down a healthy animal unless we were harvesting that animal and going to eat it. ALL dogs have to be trained and ALL goats stink.

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First Sarah Palin, and now this. Can a Tina Fey impersonation be far away? GOP presidential nominees, please leave girls from the north country to Bob Dylan.

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Now, if she’d eaten the dog………………….

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My best friend told a story about a friend of his recounting something from his childhood on a farm. He said that after breakfast his dad got his gun and was walking out the door. When asked what he was doing he simply replied, too many puppies. Apparently their dog had a huge litter and he felt the need to trim some of the hungry mouths. We ended up naming our band Too Many Puppies and it still sticks today.

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Erick, I get it. Still, this piece failed to connect with me like most of what you write.

This piece, I think you should have left "To the brain of Lynn Cardia". She is so effective at connecting and with humour, making the point. Hers was a shorter and better read. Prove me wrong!


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Maybe Biden should have Kristi take his biting dogs to the train station...

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To think that she thought this grotesque story would help her gain the VP position and supporters proves to me that she has very poor judgment. Not something we need right now. She may believe it makes her sound tough, but I’d rather have someone that actually thinks a problem through than to have an emotional knee jerk reaction with their hand on the lever at 3am.

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I’m praying for a good VP pick for Trump, a person of integrity, wisdom, and conscience. Gov. Noem was unwise to include this in her book, especially in the tone of ‘it’s only a farm dog.’ She had a bird dog around chickens?

Pray that we get someone who is capable of taking over if required.

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I was predisposed to be hopeful about Kristi Noem when she first ran for office. My expectations of her have gone downhill ever since. This latest revelation about her is more confirmation she's not admirable. I'm thinking one reason her dog was ill-trained might be because in her own words she "hated" it. If she hated her dog, she should have found it a better home than she was providing. She is now fixed in my mind as a mean, impulsive, amoral person who will do anything, anywhere, anytime to achieve her own ends: pretty much the very image of the "will to power."

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I won't make any friends with this comment, but that's not why I share my thoughts. So here goes...I don't like Kristi Noem. Period. End of story. I don't care that she wrote a book. Everybody's writing a book that nobody will care about except them . If she was smart, she WOULDN'T write book. Go against the trend. But nooooo. She had to put it all out there. I think she'd be a lousy VP.

But to my point. I am a life long dog owner of herding dogs and shepherd dogs. And an owner of five horses. And I live on a farm. All you folks upset about what she did to Cricket should know that dogs that bite in the heat of a moment will continue to bite. This is particularly true of hunting dogs that do things with their mouths. Dogs that kill for fun (i.e. chickens, cats, etc) are dogs that don't need to be kept by anyone. They'll do it again. They'll bite children and adults, and kill other small animals. She dealt with the dog exactly as she should have. As a dog owner, your dog's behavior is your responsibility, probably your fault, and you are the one who should make whatever decision about it you think is correct. It's in your hands. The fact that she shot it is what people can't abide. But if you live on a farm and you know how to shoot to kill you don't always drive to the small animal vet for humane euthanasia. Cricket was young. She had a cute name and a cute face but not such cute behavior. If you're serious about hunting with dogs, you don't keep the young ones who won't hunt and won't obey. They are a liability. As are all dogs. As for the goat, she made a bad shot that didn't kill it outright. She did the right thing by going back to end its life. Would've been worse if she had left it to bleed out. Honestly, this is a stupid thing for people in our country to be talking about right now when there are bad things being done to actual humans who matter more than dogs. But Nitwit Noem now has us talking about it. Personally I'm hoping this little bit of poor judgement takes her out of contention for anything. Shows she doesn't know how to read the room. She only knows how to be in your face with stuff you don't want to know about.

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Having grown up on a farm, I agree with everything you said in the second paragraph (except, perhaps, the last three sentences - is it Noem's fault that "city folks" don't understand life on a farm? - although she should have had an editor that alerted her to the potential misperception)

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I agree somewhat. But she’s not new at this game and I’d think she would have more foresight than to blunder into a hole like this

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Even though I am a lover of dogs, and tend to rescue the ones no one else will take, I can objectively see the points you make are reasonable. This event does not deserve the attention it is getting, and it was a dumb thing to write in a book. Which I wouldn't have bought anyhow.

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If she had an abortion, that would be fine. (Sarcasm).

We don’t know anything else about the dog. Like people, some are born a little crazy. Was the dog a biter? Who do you give it to then?

Right now I’m scratching a ten year old Bichon/poodle mix with some fear issues. His owner died at 102. None of his 19 grandchildren or great grandchildren or neighbors wanted him. I know why.

This week I had him on my lap and he was licking me as I was petting him. As I put him down, I noticed that his leg had slipped through the harness making it unsecured. As I was unbuckling it, he snapped and bit my hand hard. He just stood there growling and showing teeth.

On the walk he wants to greet everyone.

Trump needs to read the Bible he is selling and ponder on the statements to find good counsel, not the yes men/women he has. They can give him advice on finding a VP candidate with out sin.

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I think this country has far greater problems than Kristi Noem.

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