Well articulated sir! Always wait awhile before reaching judgement regarding anything that seems as if it may be too good to be true! Among the examples that you cite, the only one who I have chosen to embrace ( figuratively) is Candace Owens. While I was not aware of her statements that you cited, I still would point out that even among…
Well articulated sir! Always wait awhile before reaching judgement regarding anything that seems as if it may be too good to be true! Among the examples that you cite, the only one who I have chosen to embrace ( figuratively) is Candace Owens. While I was not aware of her statements that you cited, I still would point out that even among our friends it many be too much to expect moral clarity and agreement on every issue.
Well articulated sir! Always wait awhile before reaching judgement regarding anything that seems as if it may be too good to be true! Among the examples that you cite, the only one who I have chosen to embrace ( figuratively) is Candace Owens. While I was not aware of her statements that you cited, I still would point out that even among our friends it many be too much to expect moral clarity and agreement on every issue.