I'm confused...we're not supposed to check anything now or we're an antisemite?

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Ayn Rand covered it. Producers, looter and moochers. Producers automatically have moral clarity and principles that are based on fundamental positive human utility. Looters are very abundant in this new information economy. They grow their wealth from likes and clicks and there is a great disconnect to their utility to humanity. Owens responding that she needs to do more research is really just a delay for her to calculate which position will generate more likes and clicks that she can monetize.

I have taken to labeling people producers, looters or moochers instead of any other identity label. Try it... it works.

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I am a little confused on your comments about Candace Owens. I have searched the WWW and find nothing Anti-Semitic she has said, nothing but the opposite. Her only crime is being friends with YE, which I understand he has apologized for his remarks. If someone apologizes and proves to be repentant, I accept them as they are. I believe that is what we are called to do.

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In our “sound bite” culture, many have willfully neglected to see the whole show! 😢

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I will nuance "character" and "principles".

Character matters, you can be a principled conservative and have character flaws. There is a line where the character flaws by definition mean you are not a principled conservative.

Being an antisemite, child trafficker, rapist, actual raciest (not just a bigot or prejudiced), Donald Trump means you are by definition and your own actions not a principled conservative.

There are negotiables and nonnegotiables, it's a gray swathe for every one, but their is an ultimate line.

Owens, Donald Trump and the others are monetizing conservatives.

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Give me someone who has bettered society through their deeds or actions as opposed to an "influencer" who post about their shallow life to their followers.

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I’m glad I lived during Kennedy, Reagan, senior Bush, and Trump and saw what great leadership can do. Looking forward, cautiously, to next election, praying we can get some of that back again.

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I get the sentiment. No celebrity in my opinion deserves the notoriety they often get. What do they do honestly? These are great accomplishments and making a movie is no small feat. But again. What really have they accomplished?

I say this with the utmost respect Erick. I appreciate you calling out these people. It is needed. But why waist your breath. Your preaching to the choir here. So can we talk about more pressing issues.

- I haven’t heard you address the 23 republicans who voted to block the censure of Talib.

- haven’t heard you you discuss the recent domestic terrorism of Hamas supporters and how they are being ignored in favor of going after moms who speak up at student council meeting.

- I think the staged walkout in lauden county by HS students over the issues of transgender bathrooms and locker rooms needs attention to.

I get the “plank in your own eye” stuff but you are skipping over some fairly significant events in favor of bashing our own side. No matter how deserving it is.

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Erick, you talk about wanting principled conservatives but are just as vocal about voting for whoever can win "because they are the only one who can win." I got banned on Red State during your tenure because I wanted conservatives with Character and I wasn't willing to tote water for the guy "who is the only one who can win." You didn't do it. One of the mods did. Admittedly, I was bad mouthing McCain during the general but I was right and I was silenced for it because I wouldn't compromise my principles. You can't have it both ways. We either stand on our principles and only vote for people of character or we sidle up to the less-than candidates "who can win." Pick one please.

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Best statement I've read this morning. Thank you, Mark Malcolm.

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Asking as a fellow traveler. Were you banned because you did not want McCain or for the way you stated it? Were the moderators overly sensitive or were your "words" not palatable? "Bad mouthing" can encompass a wide spectrum.

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I specifically was not a McCain supporter because he was squishy and I was posting that he was squishy. I saved a screen grab of the situation for posterity. I was specifically told if I didn't get on board with McCain in the general I would be banned. I was not allowed to post freely my opinion because I disagreed with the mods and admin of RedState. Technically, I was never actually banned. I voluntarily stopped posting there because, at the time, I would not be allowed to post how I felt. I saw that as a violation of my I Amendment rights on a site that purported to hold the Constitution as inviolate. I haven't been back since but I used to actively diary on the site and loved it. I miss it too.

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I agree re: John McCain. Big spender and more. Not my guy. Can't believe the moderators admonished you. I'd have done the same and exited STAGE RIGHT. Dispicable.

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Their position was that we in-fight in the primary but whoever comes out in the general we unite behind. My principles dictated otherwise. I was silenced and punished for it.

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Amazing. So glad Erick bugged out.

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I can’t tell you how many times my boomer parents and in-laws have sent me Candace Owens clips. Their hearts are in the right place, but she is pretty transparent if you dig for 20 seconds.

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That’s interesting. It’s so different in my family. I’m a Boomer who does NOT follow nor endorse Candace Owens while my Gen X child sends me Candace Owens clips.

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If you had included Trump in this list, maybe I could take it seriously. That you included RFK, Jr. kinda makes me sick. Neither Tate nor Kennedy have ever claimed to be conservative, and the two of them should never be lumped together in any ideological category. Please. When I hear controversial statements from Owens, of whom I'm no fan, I try to go back and hear or read what she's said in context. Sometimes I agree with her; often I don't. Watch her explanation of her Twitter spat (Daily Wire podcast) with Megyn Kelly, and then tell me whose side you fall on. I actually agreed more with Owens on this one, even though I'm a fan of Kelly and listen to her every day.

I've chosen to take a break from your show, Erick, because of stuff like this. I remain a paid subscriber and read everything you write, but it would be wise to check yourself for accuracy when it comes to badmouthing those on the left and the right. I used to trust what you say, and now I'm doublechecking the facts. You've been wrong about Target, Vivek, Kennedy, Owens, etc. I want to trust you again. I love ya, man. Please do better.

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This needed to be said.

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I have to admit that I had become a fan of Candace, Kim Iverson, and Lauren Chen. But their pro-Palestinian twitter and you tube rants have made me regret ever listening to them. They claim to just be "against all innocent civilian deaths". But they wrap this entire position by spouting Hamas talking points/casualty data. Sickening.

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Well articulated sir! Always wait awhile before reaching judgement regarding anything that seems as if it may be too good to be true! Among the examples that you cite, the only one who I have chosen to embrace ( figuratively) is Candace Owens. While I was not aware of her statements that you cited, I still would point out that even among our friends it many be too much to expect moral clarity and agreement on every issue.

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You’re on fire with words of wisdom lately, sir. Thank you for speaking truth.

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Why wrap your arms around any celebrity? They may have access to some form of media but what really set's them apart? I'm sorry but a celebrity is no more then someone doing their job, but in public. They may not be doing their job well but people will fall all over them. We do not make the neurosurgeon who saves children's lives by performing a critical operation a celebrity but we should. We do not make the firemen celebrities but we should. Can you picture any celebrity running into the World Trade Centers during 9/11 to rescue people, knowing that they could and would die for their efforts? There were true hero's there but we do not call them our celebrity's. Todays celebrity's can shoot a ball through a hoop, sing a song well, pretend to be a person in a movie, get lots of likes on Tik Tok for appearing in various stages of undress, or give a political opinion that we may or may not agree with. I care more about what is todays weather then the rants, wants , desires of a celebrity.

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U could have been me, 40 years ago, Gary. My big "thing" was why weren't teachers on a Wheatie box? They are so much more important than someone who can swing a bat. I still have that mindset. Silly me, but I am 100% in line with your thinking. We elevate the wrong people, absolutely.

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