Asking as a fellow traveler. Were you banned because you did not want McCain or for the way you stated it? Were the moderators overly sensitive or were your "words" not palatable? "Bad mouthing" can encompass a wide spectrum.
Asking as a fellow traveler. Were you banned because you did not want McCain or for the way you stated it? Were the moderators overly sensitive or were your "words" not palatable? "Bad mouthing" can encompass a wide spectrum.
I specifically was not a McCain supporter because he was squishy and I was posting that he was squishy. I saved a screen grab of the situation for posterity. I was specifically told if I didn't get on board with McCain in the general I would be banned. I was not allowed to post freely my opinion because I disagreed with the mods and admin of RedState. Technically, I was never actually banned. I voluntarily stopped posting there because, at the time, I would not be allowed to post how I felt. I saw that as a violation of my I Amendment rights on a site that purported to hold the Constitution as inviolate. I haven't been back since but I used to actively diary on the site and loved it. I miss it too.
I agree re: John McCain. Big spender and more. Not my guy. Can't believe the moderators admonished you. I'd have done the same and exited STAGE RIGHT. Dispicable.
Their position was that we in-fight in the primary but whoever comes out in the general we unite behind. My principles dictated otherwise. I was silenced and punished for it.
Asking as a fellow traveler. Were you banned because you did not want McCain or for the way you stated it? Were the moderators overly sensitive or were your "words" not palatable? "Bad mouthing" can encompass a wide spectrum.
I specifically was not a McCain supporter because he was squishy and I was posting that he was squishy. I saved a screen grab of the situation for posterity. I was specifically told if I didn't get on board with McCain in the general I would be banned. I was not allowed to post freely my opinion because I disagreed with the mods and admin of RedState. Technically, I was never actually banned. I voluntarily stopped posting there because, at the time, I would not be allowed to post how I felt. I saw that as a violation of my I Amendment rights on a site that purported to hold the Constitution as inviolate. I haven't been back since but I used to actively diary on the site and loved it. I miss it too.
I agree re: John McCain. Big spender and more. Not my guy. Can't believe the moderators admonished you. I'd have done the same and exited STAGE RIGHT. Dispicable.
Their position was that we in-fight in the primary but whoever comes out in the general we unite behind. My principles dictated otherwise. I was silenced and punished for it.
Amazing. So glad Erick bugged out.