Well those are red states that got hammered and also there is that exploiting every weather event to push their anthropogenic climate change hoax that benefits the Wall Street-backed and CCP-lead globalist corporatocracy Regime... that puts money in the Biden crime family bank account.

This requires that a lot of human suffering happen to generate content for the Regime media.

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Is of good note that you mention bush getting trashed for his role in Katrina. Something that was used in the 2006 mid terms to take over congress.

Because that same Bush is now voting for Harris.

Point being. The dems will go after any opposition. Trump makes an easy target because of his often off the cuff comments. But any candidate opposing a dem will get trashed in the media.

I guess people forget the “kill the president” chants for bush when he was in office.

The dems are evil mongrels of heck. Don’t be fooled in thinking anyone would do better in the media.

And on a side note in the backdrop.

Go Braves!!

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What is your point? We all know the Dems and the media bash Republicans—all Republicans. Trump was apparently well-liked in NYC until he decided to be a Republican. BTW, Bush has not said he is voting for Harris. Since leaving office, he has said he won’t get involved in presidential elections.

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What in Sam’s Hill is wrong with Trump? Why on earth would he lie on the governor? What was the point!

Every time I think he has turned a corner toward kindness and good sense he says or does something crazy. Why can’t he just be decent? Gosh, I want so much for him but he makes it darn hard!

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I rely on Dr. Ryan Truchelut of Weather Tiger for anything relating to hurricane watches and paths. He relies a lot on his own insight and experiences to give his forecast. I personally always look at the spaghetti models which are far more accurate than the balloon graphics most like to use. Of those models, I believe the Euro models are the most accurate. Dr. Ryan is based in Tallahassee FL.

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I’m still waiting for the MSM to blame Trump for this

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Harris will just blame Hurricanes on climate change and people NOT driving electric cars.

And maybe the atmosphere pressure displacement of people shooting a gun.

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If Trump would have been in office, he’d already be facing another impeachment inquiry already. We all remember how they amplified the issues in Puerto Rico when the local bureaucracy could not perform. We all know this will be buried ASAP. Kamala’s faked picture of her engagement probably didn’t even occur until days after when the scope of devastation became apparent. Then her team had a “Oh sh$t!” Moment.

They will never be held accountable by MSM. They view this a a few broken eggs in the name of stopping Trump.

They have no problem playing with people’s lives. This is a great view of just how much the empathizer-in-chief truly gives a damn as well as his heir apparent.

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All they focused on was paper towels.

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The only way that "Biden laying on the beach while people are dying" could be any worse is if he was eating ice cream.

The GOP could make one helluva great campaign ad contrasting pictures of Biden (who is linked with Harris) relaxing on the beach while a house is floating down a river in North Carolina.

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Hi, does anyone know of these private models that are referenced? Are we talking Accuweather or some other service?

Thank you

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This is my question. What are good alternatives?

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Let’s get serious. The president should send representatives to observe and report back to him. They don’t require an entourage of protection and media. Their reports are shared with other agencies if they haven’t sent representatives out.

Bush got flack for not going to the destroyed towns after Katrina. He is not a skilled electrician, carpenter, truck driver, etc. What did the media expect him to do?

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Just another typical case of media bias ... in 2006, George W. Bush got roasted for not "caring" enough or taking action during Katrina. In 2024, Biden's ignorance will be ignored or buried on page 18 (electronically-speaking, of course!).

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It turned at Cedar Key and ran up the fall line then turned NW around Augusta..this was likely track Friday night. I have weatherman hair so I know things.

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It absolutely stuns me that there is ANY sane American who could vote to perpetuate this clown show administration. Are half of our fellow countrymen bat crap crazy? How can anyone think that Kamala Harris would be anything but a radical who could not care less about her fellow Americans......she only cares about power ( just like her comrades ). This election should be a cake walk for Trump but Pravda is in control and half of the American people are too stupid or lazy to look past the shiny packaging. They truly have dumbed us down.

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You speak the truth. And, yes....half of our fellow countrymen are bat crap crazy....so much so that when provided with facts, they are unable to see reality

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And yet what’s on the news? How Trump lied in his visit to Valdosta about Biden not contacting Brian Kemp. I had told my wife before it came ashore that it was probably going to hit to the east of Atlanta, not where the weather service was predicting. I had been watching those other models. My wife’s uncle in Augusta is estimated to get power back on the 5th.

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I honestly don't believe the man even knows he's still President. But Hillary Clinton was just shocked that a week before the debate Joe Biden was absolutely positively just fine! Do any of these people ever tell the truth? Not just Democrats but Republicans as well. It's a sorry sorry state of affairs.

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I would seriously question whether Biden really DOES know there's been a hurricane. I'm certain he's fed very little information these days. Fuehrer Jill see to that.

Then the question becomes, who IS getting fed and making decisions?

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