So this was unexpected...I quit going to CVS years ago, and well, I just kept this to myself cause I figured it was just me. Apparently not. So I’ll speak now.

I grew up in the same Smaller town that I am raising my young’n. CVS opened a very nice store next to the best Elementary School in our town. I’m biased as all of my siblings went to this school and my Mom taught there for 30 years. In fact she started teaching when I was in the second grade and finished 30 years later when my little one was in the second grade.

It was a little controversial opening a CVS next to an Elementary School but it passed. This CVS has a big parking lot and because the majority of parents are actually involved (nowadays saying something)at this Elementary School, many park in the CVS parking lot and walk their littles in to the school house.

My little one loved to get to school early and many times for getting out the door on time he would be rewarded by being able to go into CVS (before school)for a snack for lunch or his favorite was always to have some gum for himself and friends.

This started out fun, and I was even like well, we will give this place some business not only for snacks...but Rx’s, and hey, they sold the Cheapest Natural Light in town!

They opened in the Summer prior to school starting and the hours started at 7:30AM. When school started in the fall, first bell rang at 7:45 and you are late at 8:00. So from 7:30-8:30 was prime shopping time for parents dropping there kids off.

Well three months in to school starting CVS brilliantly changed there opening from 7:30AM ....you guessed it to 8:30 AM.

So I don’t really care if they drop a case (24) Natty’s to 5.99...I don’t go to the place!


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Let's hope they don't actually start giving vaccines and put a needle in their hands.

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Amen! I have had the same experiences and sentiments. They could save millions of trees by not printing mile-long receipts with coupons for stuff you just bought that expire in one week! All the calls and texts drive me crazy. I go into the pharmacy so I can talk with a person, who assures me they’ve got the problem fixed, and nothing ever changes. What is it about “do not fill that Rx. unless I tell you” that they can’t understand? They are infuriating!

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I have friend from HS, who used to work as CVS pharmacist, he hated it. Now he works for an independent. Then there was the prescription pick-up log. Because of her autoimmune disorder and its plethora of friends, we could stock a mini-pharmacy. Well, we would occasionally get stuff filled there, since it was 24 hour. Of course, when you sign the log, the tech wanted me to sign for all ten individually. I called BS. I am an auditor and signing the top and drawing a line works just as well. I refused. What could she do at that point. We had paid for them. We eventually got tired of their BS and went to Walgreens. Nothing prescribed requires that immediate a need. If so, you need to be IN the hospital.

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I get my prescriptions filled at my local Kroger. That way I get the fuel points, which saves me miney at the gas pump.

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I thought it was just the CVS in AZ ... a long time ago I had a great pharmacist at a CVS in Lilburn the whole crew in the pharmacy called me by my name, then they started leaving. When I moved to AZ I visited the CVS in Cottonwood - talk about bad attitude and poor service. I changed pharmacies and won't go back.

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The real question is: when do we stop accepting covid-19 as an excuse for businesses short changing us?

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God love ya, Eric. You can write snarky humor! Welcome to Curmudgeonville. It is a great place from which to view the world.

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Hello Erick. On your radio show today you said, if you had enough money you would start your own bank and cater to gun owners. Will you please elaborate? Do you think the government will be looking at gun owners accounts and seizing their funds?

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Unfortunately CVS is the preferred pharmacy for SilverScripts (now owned by Aetna) so I get a letter 2 times a year “encouraging “ me to use CVS. I call SilverScript customer service and remind them I can chose my own pharmacy. I agree with Erick, CVS doesn’t care about customer service. CVS is a bully! I use a family owned pharmacy and receive great customer service.

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I like Walgreen's and Publix

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My experience with CVS is totally different. I regularly visit two CVS stores in my area. I get my RX's filled at one and in more than 10 years have never had a problem. Never have they given me an RX I didn't request nor have they called my doctor. In fact, they ask that I do so if there is a problem with a refill. I use coupons and the great CVS sales to get the best prices around on paper products, laundry detergent, toothpaste and more. I know the cashiers by their first names as there has been literally no turnover in years. In fact, I recently received an email asking me to rate CVS based on a last visit. I gave them rave reviews.

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I'm with you for the most part. Been using CVS for ~10 years since Walgreens screwed up meds significantly. CVS' in-store checkout SW & HW is kinda buggy and annoying, I agree. Online ordering and text notifications work pretty well...so long as everything is in order. We manage my Mother-in-Law's myriad medications (at least 15), wife's 4 meds and my 2 meds thru the CVS app, use delivery unless have to show ID (have a couple of controlled meds). Regularly get texts reminding to refill, asking is they should call Dr. when no more refills, etc.

Sorry to hear all the CVS angst out there. I guess as with anything, your mileage may vary...

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Erick, the late Lewis Grizzard was channeling through you😀

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Thank you. Something i can get behind and sink my teeth into. Let's boycott CVS ;) wink and nod.

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Thanks for the humor today!!! All true: I laughed out loud several times

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This is so true! I recently tried to fill a prescription. The CVS close to my house said they did not have it in stock and if they ordered it, they could not tell me when it would arrive. I asked if another CVS nearby had it. They insisted they could not tell me that. Calling nearby CVSs resulted in them refusing to tell me over the phone. Rather, I could only find out by visiting each store in person with prescription in hand to discover whether they had it. Needless to say, I went to Publix. End of saga.

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