A shooting happened in Los Angeles in the Asian community. NPR rushed out to claim the Asian-American community is on edge because of the rise in violence against that community. Then it turned out the shooter was Asian.
In Atlanta, when the Asian massage parlor shooting happened, the left started clamoring against Asian hate and totally ignored the shooter shot the women in the spas because he was going there for sex and struggling with sex addiction. God forbid we talk about the Asian massage parlors across the nation that are actually whorehouses.
I bet much of the press thinks that is all about female empowerment anyway.
In Washington, twenty Republicans held up Kevin McCarthy’s Speakership and they were compared to insurrectionists on Fox and terrorists elsewhere. They were men and women willing to take and kill hostages.
But in Atlanta, the actual terrorists are called activists and protestors engaged in mostly peaceful protests. You’ve got black police officers in Atlanta zip-tying white ANTIFA protestors from New England on the streets of Atlanta and the national and local press is portraying this protest as some sort of local racial justice issue.
The media has so incredibly downplayed that the terrorist killed in Atlanta fired at and shot a police officer before being killed that you’ve got DEI “experts” blasting Senator Raphael Warnock for defending the police, thinking they shot a “peaceful protestor.”

You’d think the press would highlight the fact that the terrorist shot first, but ANTIFA has spun a press deeply sympathetic to it into presuming the police might not be telling the truth. Just read how the local Atlanta Journal Constitution is covering the situation:
The event also was held to remember 26-year-old activist Manuel Teran, who was fatally shot by a state trooper at the project’s site this past week. Investigators have said Teran fired first, wounding a trooper. Other troopers then returned fire, according to the GBI.
The trooper, whose name was not released out of fears of retaliation, was shot in the abdomen and underwent emergency surgery, according to investigators.
In addition to seeking the end of the project, the protesters Saturday were calling for an independent probe into Teran’s death. The GBI has said there is no bodycam footage of the incident. Protestors also want the city to defund the APD.
Notice the last sentence. The AJC keeps tossing that off as a throw away line. The progressive terrorists are the Democrats’ “defund the police” agitators.
A more accurate re-write of that first paragraph would be:
“The event also was held to remember 26-year-old Manuel Teran, who police say shot a police officer in the stomach, provoking the return fire that killed Teran.”
Yesterday, I highlighted CNN having on a leftwing freelance journalist who claimed property destruction is not really violence. To the left, words are violence and silence is violence, but ransacking a building and burning police cars is not. Much of the press corps share that view.
Every news network in America has tied January 6th rioters to the deaths of several police officers who died indirectly due to the rioters’ actions that day. But a police officer gets shot in Atlanta by an ANTIFA activist, and the same press that pinned police deaths on January 6 rioters is working very hard to dance around the shooting of this police officer.
The press is broken.
Last night, the Associated Press tweeted about Governor Huckabee in Arkansas and one of her first actions. “One of Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ first acts as Arkansas governor was to ban most state agencies from using the gender-neutral term Latinx, tapping into a debate that’s divided Hispanics along generational lines,” the AP wrote with an article accompanying it.
But this is, according to the media’s own polling, not a debate that’s divided Hispanics along generational lines. In fact, read the AP article and you’ll find this: “Sanders’ order adds to the debate over a word that’s found little widespread support among Latinos and even prompted backlash from some Democrats.” So why did the social media operators for the AP tweet that Latinx “divided Hispanics?”
The AP cites a single nonbinary Hispanic person for proof but has to acknowledge it is not commonly used. The AP seems to weigh the voice of one nonbinary person disproportionate to the entirety of the Hispanic community and all the data showing less than 3% of Americans and roughly ZERO percent of Hispanics use the term.
Among those using the term is Angel Castillo Reyes, a 21-year-old nonbinary student at the University of Arkansas who uses the pronouns they/them. Castillo Reyes uses both Latinx and “Latine,” another gender-neutral term that’s been used by some in the Latino community to describe their ethnic identity.
One person with mental health issues should not trump millions of Hispanic Americans who reject the word.
More documents have been found in Joe Biden’s personal possession that should not have been. The press can’t avoid the story but has worked overtime to make sure you don’t think it was comparable to Trump. While a fair point, the story is not about Trump. Biden lectured us all on the integrity of classified documents and is a hypocrite. That’s the Trump angle the press chooses to ignore.
I try to really be fair about the American press corps. I know a lot of good reporters who work very hard to be fair and balanced.
But overall, the editorial voice of so much of the national and local press does not even want to be fair. They rush immediately to leftwing talking points, rightwing stereotypes, and double standards and are more and more discrediting themselves.
A free people need a free press. But the American press is not free. It is cloistered in a progressive bubble, captured by its loathing of the American right, evangelicals, and flyover country. Just consider the sports press and Provy, the hockey player or Tony Dungy, who had the audacity to participate in the March for Life.
Speaking of, one of the largest marches in America yet again got barely a mention in the American press.
We cannot be a free people when the press nuances a terrorist shooting a police officer in Atlanta and muddies the water in Los Angeles on whether an Asian shooter was part of anti-Asian violence. Dare I suggest the press really is becoming the enemy of a free people?
On the upside, it makes what I do more important and valuable, but I honestly am tired of sifting through the b.s.
I think a lot of us, Erick, are tired of shifting through the b.s. and that is why you have the following you have. It is refreshing to hear the truth from you and also refreshing that when you get something incorrect that you report once you validate the truth you do come back and let your audience know how you were mistaken. Rarely does anyone else in the press do that. I trust in the info you report and your reporting of it. Please keep doing so!
Not to make a big deal out of this, but surely by now, you realize this is your calling, this is the moment for which you were made. I mean, granted, not everyone has the talent and panache to make a sarcastic thought sound absolutely Nobel-worthy when they write it. (and let's not forget you say things that I as a pastor cannot but would love too!)
You do! I can imagine it does get tiring--but you're really really, good at this and you are desperately needed! Prayers always!